

Getting Started

2024年1月3日 — A build command that bundles your code with Vite, and able to handle Electron's unique environment including Node.js and browser environments.

Quick Start

This guide will step you through the process of creating a barebones Hello World app in Electron, similar to electron/electron-quick-start.


Getting started​. We recommend you to start with the tutorial, which guides you through the process of developing an Electron app and distributing it to users.

Building your First App

This guide will step you through the process of creating a barebones Hello World app in Electron, similar to electron/electron-quick-start.


Clone and run for a quick way to see Electron in action. This is a minimal Electron application based on the Quick Start Guide within the Electron documentation ...


electron-quick-start. Clone and run for a quick way to see Electron in action. This is a minimal Electron application based on the Quick Start Guide within ...


Clone and run for a quick way to see Electron in action. This is a minimal Electron application based on the Quick Start Guide within the Electron documentation ...

<font color="#4078c0">Quick Start<font>

為了要可以執行Electron,我們需要先去安裝Node.js,這邊是建議安裝最新的LTS版本。 請用平台預先提供的安裝程序去安裝Node.js,不然在不同的開發工具上可能會有相容 ...


2023年8月20日 — Use electron-vite, a fast build tooling integrated with Vite 3, support for HMR , hot reloading , debugging and source code protection .